Amul Topical: Celebrating Dr. Kurien’s 102nd Birth Anniversary

amul celebrating dr kurien birth anniversary

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One of the recent #Amul Topical ads celebrated the 102nd birth anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien, who is widely regarded as the “Milkman of India” and the “Father of the White Revolution”.

Dr. Kurien was the founder and chairman of the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), which owns the Amul brand. He was instrumental in transforming India from a milk-deficient nation to the world’s largest milk producer, by empowering millions of small farmers and creating a cooperative model of dairy development.

The ad shows the Amul girl holding a glass of milk and standing next to a smiling portrait of Dr. Kurien, who is wearing a white shirt. The caption reads, “Amul Topical: Celebrating the 102nd birth anniversary of the Milkman of India!” The ad pays tribute to Dr. Kurien’s legacy and achievements and also promotes the consumption of milk and dairy products.

The ad was widely appreciated by the public and the media, who remembered Dr. Kurien’s contributions to the nation and the dairy sector. The ad also coincided with National Milk Day, which is observed every year on November 26, the birthday of Dr. Kurien. The National Milk Day was initiated in 2014 by the Indian Dairy Association, to honour Dr. Kurien and to raise awareness about the importance of milk in human nutrition and health.

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